Sustainable Development Contributions

by Bliss Havens
1. Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8)

Promoting fair job opportunities, economic development, and decent working conditions for all.

We believe in providing decent work and economic opportunities to individuals with disabilities. Through our artistic journey, we empower them with a stable income, allowing them to lead more fulfilling lives.

2. Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10)

Striving to minimize inequalities, whether in income, age, gender, or status, to ensure fairness and opportunity for everyone.

Our commitment to inclusivity and showcasing the creativity of disabled artists directly contributes to reducing inequalities. By providing a platform for these artists, we work toward a more equitable society where every individual’s talents are celebrated.

3. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (SDG 9)

Focusing on building resilient infrastructure, fostering innovation, and supporting sustainable industries for economic development.

Bliss Havens is a testament to the power of innovation and creative transformation. Our unique production process merges cutting-edge technology with the artistic talents of disabled creators, contributing to industry innovation and modern infrastructure.

4. No Poverty (SDG 1)

Aiming to eradicate poverty in all its forms by providing equal access to resources, services, and opportunities.

“End poverty in all its forms everywhere”

Our primary objective is to reduce poverty within the disabled community. By offering them a chance to shine and harness their artistic talents, we aim to create financial stability and eliminate the barriers to self-sufficiency.

5. Partnerships for the Goals (SDG 17)

Encouraging global cooperation and collaboration among various stakeholders to achieve all the Sustainable Development Goals.

Bliss Havens believes in the strength of partnerships. Our collaboration with artists, customers, and other organizations amplifies our collective efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, ultimately fostering positive change in society.